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In Focus

Study reveals how two formin proteins cooperate to assemble the contractile ring in fission yeast.

People & Ideas

Bellaïche uses physics and genetics to study tissue morphogenesis.


Cell biology in neuroscience


Patronin counteracts KLP10A activity at spindle poles to stabilize microtubule minus ends and induce spindle elongation during anaphase B.

Notch3 expression characterizes a highly clonogenic and transiently quiescent luminal progenitor population in the mammary gland, the expansion of which is restricted by Notch3 receptor activity.


The prolyl isomerase Pin1 stimulates the dephosphorylation of histone H1, stabilizing its binding to chromatin at transcriptionally active chromatin.

Asymmetrically dividing embryonic stem cells segregate the younger chromatid and de novo DNA methyltransferases into the differentiating cell and the older chromatid, with its epigenetic memory, into the self-renewing daughter cell.

MAD2L2 is rapidly degraded by APC/CCDC20 at the onset of anaphase, allowing release of sequestered CDH1 to activate the dephosphorylated APC/C.

Multiple formins cooperate during cytokinesis, but their functions in de novo actin assembly at the division site play the primary role in contractile ring assembly.

After bacterial invasion, ubiquitin is conjugated to host endosomal proteins and recognized by the autophagic machinery independent of LC3.

The ciliary permeability barrier is mechanistically distinct from other cellular diffusion barriers and allows soluble proteins under ∼100 kD in size to enter cilia in the absence of active transport.


A genome-wide microscopy screen identifies proteins localized to Cajal bodies, paraspeckles, and other known and previously uncharacterized nuclear subcompartments.

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