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Suin Jo et al.
This paper utilizes several genetic models to distinguish roles of cDC1 and cDC2 in presentation of different forms of antigens to CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in vivo. The results demonstrate a common WDFY4-dependent cross-presentation pathway shared by cDC subsets.
Andrew W. Simonson et al.
Antibody depletion of select lymphocytes in rhesus macaques demonstrated key roles for CD4+ T cells and CD8α+ lymphocytes in conferring sterilizing immunity against tuberculosis following i.v. BCG vaccination. This study established mechanisms of protection that can inform future vaccine strategies.
Sang-Nee Tan et al.
This research shows that Th1 cells convert into T-bet+ pTreg cells in response to TGF-β signaling in the TME. Tan et al. demonstrate that T-bet is essential for the function of intratumoral pTreg cells, which exert suppressive activity via CD39.
Shan-Shan Wang et al.
Hepatic fibroblasts comprise groups of stromal cells in the liver that are phenotypically distinct from hepatic stellate cells. However, their physiology is poorly understood. This work used genetic fate mapping to unravel the functions of hepatic fibroblasts in liver homeostasis, fibrosis, and tumorigenesis.
Technical Advances and Resources
Juliana J. Lee et al.
This work provides, as a resource, a compendium of early transcriptional responses to major inflammatory cytokines across all major immunocyte lineages of the mouse, bringing forth unappreciated relationships between these cytokines, and with other cytokine families.
Shan Miao et al.
Activation of CD8+ T cells necessitates rapid metabolic reprogramming to fulfill the substantial biosynthetic demands. This article highlights the tRNA m1A modification as a metabolic checkpoint of cholesterol biosynthesis to enhance the tumor-killing capacity of CD8+ T cells, suggesting potential novel strategies for cancer immunotherapy.
Brief Definitive Report
Carlos Gomez-Diaz et al.
Mice lacking RNase T2 display an inflammatory phenotype in vivo in a TLR13-dependent manner, which is also observed under germ-free conditions. This suggests that RNase T2 plays an important role in limiting self-RNA recognition by preventing erroneous activation of TLR13.
Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 222,
Issue 2,
3 February 2025
Reviews & Opinions
Antje Blumenthal, Leslie C. Domínguez Cadena
Bernaleau et al. show that CCDC134 located in the ER is required for TLR biogenesis by controlling the N-glycosylation, folding, and stabilization of the ER chaperone Gp96.
Nikhil Jiwrajka, Montserrat C. Anguera
Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a debilitating autoimmune disease that preferentially afflicts women. The molecular origins of this female bias are unclear. A new study of plasmacytoid dendritic cells from SSc patients by Du et al. suggests the X chromosome may play a key role.
Jacob A. Myers et al.
Sparano et al. show that tissue-resident NK cells produce TGF-β1 themselves to establish and maintain residency in glandular tissues. In these environments, TGF-β1, IL-15, and other factors collaboratively induce a Hobit-dependent cytotoxicity program. In the salivary glands, trNK cells limit murine cytomegalovirus persistence.

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