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Reach prospective customers across multiple online channels with our trusted journals, and maintain sufficient brand exposure, engagement, and reach. Add these options to you digital marketing mix, whether you are advertising a new product, service, or job opportunity. Download the complete Media Kit [PDF], which includes all the information you need to get started.

Advertising opportunities available in the Journal of Cell Biology (JCB), Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM), and Journal of General Physiology (JGP) include:


Website Banner Advertising

We accept banner advertising on all three sites, with space available on our journal homepages and article pages. Why is banner advertising effective? With strong graphics, animation, and call-to-actions, banner ads are an excellent way to create greater exposure for your campaign and provide a direct pathway to your website or specially designed landing page.  


Email Alert Advertising

Subscribers and non-subscribers alike may sign up to receive Email Alerts from JCB, JEM and JGP to learn when new research is published. There are three different types of Alerts for each of the journals: Complete Issue (monthly, the first Tuesday of the month), Daily Publication-Weekly frequency (Wednesdays), and Daily Publication-Daily frequency. We accept banner advertising in monthlong blocks to display your message at the top of each email of your desired journal. 


Special Collection Email Advertising

Each journal creates special collections on topics including but not limited to cell biology, immunology, cancer, neuroscience, biophysics, and stem cell research. The collections include the latest cutting-edge research, and the “Year In” collections from JCB and JEM highlight the editors’ top picks and are widely read. The collections are distributed to Email Alert subscribers, authors, reviewers, and editors and supported by significant social media engagement. For topic-based advertising, this is a solid option. 


Do you have advertising ideas not listed here to explore? Contact us!

Advertising Representative

Sati Motieram | [email protected]
Rockefeller University Press
950 Third Avenue, Floor 2
New York, NY 10022
Tel: +1 212-327-8583

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