Our Philosophy
Rockefeller University Press (RUP) is committed to quality and integrity in scientific publishing. We use the latest technologies and carry out rigorous peer review, applying the highest standards of novelty, mechanistic insight, data integrity, and general interest to fulfill our mission of publishing excellent science. RUP publishes Journal of Cell Biology (JCB), Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM), and Journal of General Physiology (JGP) and co-publishes Life Science Alliance (LSA). RUP’s nonprofit journals were established by the research community, and editorial decisions and policies continue to be driven by scientists who actively contribute to their fields, appreciate the value of peer review, and desire a better publication experience for all.
RUP journals publish groundbreaking research in the life sciences and biomedicine from leading investigators around the world and serve as a valued resource to those engaged in cutting-edge research and who train future generations of scientists. Articles published in RUP journals are frequently cited, and institutions that most frequently access content in RUP journals are ranked among the top in life sciences research output. Researchers and clinicians access JCB, JEM, and JGP through institutional subscriptions that support our nonprofit mission, and the public can access some content immediately. LSA is an Open Access journal, and JCB, JEM, and JGP provide an Open Access option that allows authors to fulfill their funders’ requirements. RUP is proud to participate in the Research4Life initiative that provides developing countries with free access to peer-reviewed content through programs including Hinari: Research for Health, established by the World Health Organization.
Backed by scientists actively engaged in research, each journal continues to implement editorial policies with highly productive investigators in mind. Editorial policies include format neutral, which allows authors to submit in any format; manuscript transfer, which allows authors to submit reviewer comments to RUP journals and beyond safely and confidentially; and fast and fair review, with limited rounds of revision and clear and detailed decisions.
RUP journals are constantly improving and evolving to meet the unique needs of readers and authors. The contemporary design and functionality of our journal websites focus on readability and optimization without sacrificing the tools, automated processes, and benefits on which researchers have come to rely. This includes quick navigation between full-text articles and downloadable PDFs, figures and data, and citation and usage information, while content is published and distributed daily. In addition to submitting all published papers in JCB, JEM, and JGP to PubMed Central (PMC) and Europe PMC, RUP participates in CLOCKSS and LOCKSS to ensure perpetual access. Librarians receive COUNTER-compliant usage statistics to monitor the performance of these indispensable journals.
Beyond facilitating a high-quality publication process and reading experience, RUP journals support the wider research community and have presented a scientific symposium and programs that encourage early career faculty and scientists to have an active role in the publishing process. Our professional editors, who collaborate with academic editors based at leading institutions, are PhD trained with both laboratory and publishing experience, regularly attend meetings on the latest innovative research topics, and participate in panels that include broader themes such as research reproducibility, data integrity, gender representation, and career support. Likewise, RUP production and administrative staff are active in publishing communities and have served as board members and executives in numerous organizations, including the Society for Scholarly Publishing, the Council of Science Editors, and the National Information Standards Organization.
RUP is based in New York City and is a department of The Rockefeller University, a leading biomedical research university dedicated to conducting innovative, high-quality research to improve the understanding of life for the benefit of humanity.
Journal of Cell Biology
Journal of Cell Biology (JCB) publishes advances in any area of basic cell biology as well as applied cellular advances in fields such as immunology, neurobiology, metabolism, microbiology, developmental biology, and plant biology. All editorial decisions on research manuscripts are made through collaborative consultation between professional editors with scientific training and academic editors who are active in the field. JCB was established in 1955. JCB Editor-in-Chief Jodi Nunnari is Chair of the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, College of Biological Sciences, at University of California, Davis. Tim Spencer serves as JCB Executive Editor. Learn more about JCB editors.
Journal of Experimental Medicine
Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM) publishes papers providing novel conceptual insight into immunology, neuroscience, cancer biology, vascular biology, microbial pathogenesis, and stem cell biology. All editorial decisions are made by active scientists in conjunction with professional editors. JEM was established in 1896. Carl Nathan and Michel Nussenzweig serve as JEM Editorial Board Co-Chairs. Dr. Nathan is the R.A. Rees Pritchett Professor and Chairman of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Weill Cornell Medicine. Dr. Nussenzweig is the Zanvil A. Cohn and Ralph M. Steinman Professor at The Rockefeller University, Investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Senior Physician. Shachi Bhatt serves as JEM Executive Editor. Learn more about JEM editors.
Journal of General Physiology
Journal of General Physiology (JGP) publishes mechanistic and quantitative cellular and molecular physiology of the highest quality; provides a best-in-class author experience; and nurtures future generations of researchers. All editorial decisions on research manuscripts are made through a collaborative consultation between the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors, all of whom are active scientists. JGP was established in 1918. JGP Editor-in-Chief David Eisner is a The British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiac Physiology at Manchester University. Learn more about JGP editors.
Life Science Alliance
Life Science Alliance (LSA) is a global, open access, editorially independent, and peer-reviewed journal launched in 2018 by an alliance of EMBO Press, Rockefeller University Press, and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. LSA is committed to rapid, fair, and transparent publication of valuable research from across all areas of the life sciences. LSA is led by a group of Academic Editors including Julia Promisel Cooper, Florent Ginhoux, Sebastian Jessberger, and Michael Overholtzer. Dr. Cooper is Head of the Telomere Biology Section, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, at the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Ginhoux is a Principal Investigator in the Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), A*STAR and Adjunct Visiting Associate Professor in the Shanghai Immunology Institute, Jiao Tong University, China. Dr. Jessberger is Managing Director of the Brain Research Institute and Professor for Neurosciences at the University of Zurich. Dr. Overholtzer is an Associate Member in the Cell Biology Program at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Learn more about LSA editors.
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