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Study pinpoints two ways that cells control dynamics of kinetochore proteins.

People & Ideas

Koushika studies axonal transport primarily in the worm C.elegans.




Accurate cell division requires timely kinetochore disassembly, which is promoted by CDK phosphorylation of target genes, including CENP-T, and nuclear exclusion of the Ndc80 complex.


The FANCJ helicase promotes DNA replication in trans by counteracting fork stalling at replication barriers and suppresses heterochromatin spreading by coupling fork movement with maintenance of chromatin structure.

SCFSlimb-mediated down-regulation of the condensin II subunit Cap-H2 is required to maintain proper organization and morphology of the interphase nucleus.

A human Aurora A kinase engineered to be specifically inhibited by the ATP analog 1-Na-PP1 allows dissection of a novel role for this protein in central spindle assembly.

Glycosylation in the C-terminal 50–55 residues of proteins is mediated posttranslocationally by the STT3B isoform of oligosaccharyltransferase, with a preference for NXT sites.

Yeast BLOC-1 acts as both a Rab5–Vps21 effector and an adapter for the Rab-GAP Msb3 to promote endosomal maturation.

To increase the efficiency of aggrephagy, specific scaffold proteins such as EPG-7 endow cargo specificity and link cargo–receptor complexes to the autophagic machinery.

Binding of cadherin to F-actin cooperates with the cadherin cis-interface to stabilize cadherin adhesion clusters and is required for their directional movement.


Multiple large-scale analyses in yeast implicate SUMO chain function in the maintenance of higher-order chromatin structure and transcriptional repression of environmental stress response genes.


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