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On the cover
A scanning electron micrograph of an infected mouse lung shows a Klebsiella pneumoniae bacterium (pink) snared in a neutrophil extracellular trap (green), a web of decondensed chromatin released by neutrophils to catch and kill pathogens. Papayannopoulos et al. reveal that neutrophil elastase degrades histones to promote chromatin decondensation and trap formation (image courtesy of Volker Brinkmann and Abdul Hakkim).
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In This Issue
In Focus
Helping stem cells make a connection
Protein network strengthens cell–cell contacts, promoting pluripotency.
People & Ideas
Maxence Nachury: A transporting view of the primary cilium
Nachury studies how defective signaling from the cell's antenna causes human disease.
Revolving movement of a dynamic cluster of actin filaments during mitosis
Arp2/3 actin filament nucleating complex drives circumnavigation of cortical actin clusters during mitosis.
Template-free 13-protofilament microtubule–MAP assembly visualized at 8 Å resolution
The high-resolution structure of doublecortin-stabilized microtubules provides unprecedented insight into their in vivo architecture.
A whole genome RNAi screen of Drosophila S2 cell spreading performed using automated computational image analysis
An automated, image-based RNAi screen for cell shape reveals roles for membrane secretion factors in cell spreading.
The CrebA/Creb3-like transcription factors are major and direct regulators of secretory capacity
CrebA up-regulates expression of both the general protein machinery required in all cells for secretion and genes encoding cell type–specific secreted components.
The spindle position checkpoint is coordinated by the Elm1 kinase
Localization and activation of Elm1 at the bud neck coordinates SPC activity with mother–daughter polarity during cell division.
Pom121 links two essential subcomplexes of the nuclear pore complex core to the membrane
Pom121 anchors core structures of the NPC to the membrane through its binding to the β-propeller domains of Nup155 and Nup160.
Constitutive recycling of the store-operated Ca2+ channel Orai1 and its internalization during meiosis
Orai1 trafficking between the cell membrane and endosomes during meiosis requires caveolin and is important for tuning calcium signaling during oocyte maturation.
Ubiquitin accumulation in autophagy-deficient mice is dependent on the Nrf2-mediated stress response pathway: a potential role for protein aggregation in autophagic substrate selection
Inactivation of the essential autophagy gene Atg5 results in selective accumulation of aggregation-prone proteins independently of substrate ubiquitination.
Quality control for unfolded proteins at the plasma membrane
A temperature-sensitive chimeric transmembrane protein reveals a mechanism for disposing misfolded proteins that make it to the plasma membrane.
VASP is a processive actin polymerase that requires monomeric actin for barbed end association
Visualization of VASP tetramers interacting with static and growing actin filaments in vitro by TIRF microscopy leads to a new model for VASP-mediated actin filament assembly.
Dlg1 binds GKAP to control dynein association with microtubules, centrosome positioning, and cell polarity
The small GTPase Cdc42 regulates interactions of dynein with microtubules through the polarity protein Dlg1 and the scaffolding protein GKAP.
Palmitoylation-dependent association with CD63 targets the Ca2+ sensor synaptotagmin VII to lysosomes
Posttranslational lipid modifications promote association of Syt VII with the tetraspanin CD63, determining its exit from the Golgi and targeting to lysosomes.
Caveolin-1 is ubiquitinated and targeted to intralumenal vesicles in endolysosomes for degradation
Identification of the pathway by which caveolin-1 is degraded when caveolae assembly is compromised suggests that “caveosomes” may be endosomal accumulations of the protein awaiting degradation.
Integrated biochemical and mechanical signals regulate multifaceted human embryonic stem cell functions
Nonmuscle myosin IIA and p120-catenin control E-cadherin–mediated cell–cell adhesions essential for hESC pluripotency and long-term survival.
The tumor-associated EpCAM regulates morphogenetic movements through intracellular signaling
EpCAM confers “invasive” properties to embryonic cells through intracellular signaling.
The Cdc42-selective GAP Rich regulates postsynaptic development and retrograde BMP transsynaptic signaling
Inhibition of Cdc42 by dRich induces postsynaptic release of the BMP ligand Glass bottom boat.
Neutrophil elastase and myeloperoxidase regulate the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps
Neutrophil elastase escapes azurophilic granules, translocates to the nucleus, and degrades histones to promote chromatin decondensation necessary for NET formation.
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