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In This Issue

In Focus

Two centrosomal proteins work together to duplicate centrioles.

People & Ideas

Thompson studies the metabolic requirements of dividing immune and cancer cells.



An Hsp70 transgene system is used to identify cis-elements required for gene-specific association with nuclear speckles.

Cep152, the orthologue of Drosophila Asterless, is a Plk4 target that functions with Plk4 in centriole assembly.

Cep152 interacts with the cryptic Polo-box of Plk4 and is required for Plk4-induced centriole overduplication.

SEPT9 localizes the vesicle-tethering exocyst complex to the midbody to promote daughter cell separation.

Degradation of Plk1 during mitotic exit allows recruitment of the Cep55 abscission factor and timely cytokinesis.

SRGP-1 activity leads to outward bending and projections of membranes at cell–cell junctions, promoting robust adhesion between cells during embryonic closure events.

The association between flotillin microdomains and the cortical cytoskeleton controls myosin IIa activation and neutrophil chemotaxis.


SUMOylation of TopoIIα inhibits its decatenation activity, preventing resolution of tangled DNA at centromeres before anaphase onset.

A large-scale analysis of spindle disassembly in budding yeast identifies factors required for disengagement of spindle halves, arrest of spindle elongation, and depolymerization of interpolar microtubules.

Repression of E2F target genes is required for cell cycle arrest in Rb family (Rb, p107, and p130)-deficient cells.

p110-β associates with the Vps34–Vps15–Beclin 1–Atg14L complex and facilitates generation of PtdIns(3)P to promote autophagy.

An AP-3–binding site required for vesicle–vacuole fusion is masked when Vps41 is associated with highly curved membranes, such as endosomes, but is exposed at membranes with lower curvature, such as vacuoles, because of phosphorylation of the membrane-binding motif.

New steps in the process of conversion of proplatelet extensions from megakaryocytes into mature platelets are defined.

In vivo analysis of subcellular dynamics in the zebrafish cerebellum provides new insights into centrosome positioning during vertebrate brain differentiation.


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