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In This Issue

In Focus

How cell adhesion molecules transmit signals across the plasma membrane.

People & Ideas

Buszczak is exploring the regulation of proteins that control stem cell identity in the fly.

Meeting Review


Nuclear morphology, chromosomal condensation, and transcriptional-mediated localization of genes to the nuclear periphery are disturbed by mutations in cohesin pathway genes.

Pex3p interacts with peroxisome retention factor Inp1p at the peroxisomal membrane and functions in the organelle’s segregation in addition to its biogenesis.

Heparan sulfate glycoproteins dally and dally-like define the germ cell niche in female and male Drosophila, respectively.


FRET analysis of cell lines expressing fluorescently tagged histones on separate nucleosomes demonstrates that variations in chromosome compaction occur during mitosis.

Reevaluation of Lte1’s involvement in the mitotic exit network reveals that it is involved in localizing Bfa1 to the spindle pole body but does not function as a GEF for Tem1.

Spermatogonial stem cells have an innate ability to choose, with constant probability, between different fates independently of cues from the microenvironment.

Increasing the size of the ER by lipid synthesis helps the cell deal with ER stress.

Viral subversion of cholesterol homeostasis provides insights into sterol trafficking, autophagy, and lysosomal storage diseases.

Structural analyses reveal that oligomerization between cell adhesion molecules in the same membrane is influenced by their interactions across opposing membranes (see also in this issue the accompanying paper by Müller et al.).

The monomer/dimer equilibrium of adhesion molecule CEACAM1-L is regulated by binding between opposing membranes, which in turn controls cytoplasmic enzyme binding and signaling (see also in this issue the accompanying paper by Klaile et al.).

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