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In This Issue

In Focus

Study finds interconnected molecules that reorganize preribosomes.

People & Ideas

Greco studies tissue regeneration and regression in the hair follicle and in cancer.


We are pleased to welcome several new JCB editorial board members.



Efficient lysosome-mediated turnover of synaptic vesicle-associated proteins is necessary for synaptic transmission and protection from neurodegeneration in Drosophila.


During small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein complex assembly, a pre-snoRNP complex consisting only of protein components forms first, followed by displacement of the ZNHIT3 subunit when C/D snoRNAs bind and dynamic loading and unloading of RuvBL AAA+ ATPases.

The assembly factor heterodimer Rsa4–Nsa2 binds to the preribosome and transmits remodeling energy from the force-generating ATPase Rea1 to facilitate relocation of ribosomal RNA elements during ribosome maturation.

Cytoplasmic dynein light intermediate chains are required for the maintenance of centriole cohesion and the formation of a bipolar spindle in both human cells and Xenopus embryos.

In tumor cells, the collagen receptor DDR1 collaborates with Cdc42 and its guanine exchange factor Tuba to promote linear invadosome formation and increase their matrix-invading activity.

Calcium signaling mediated by STIM1 and Orai1 activates Src to promote invadopodium assembly while simultaneously promoting MT1-MMP recycling to the plasma membrane to promote ECM degradation.

miRNA-214 regulates hair follicle development and cycling by targeting β-catenin and thereby modulating Wnt pathway transduction.


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