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On the cover
Lu et al. describe how the nuclear envelope forms directly from ER cisternae before nuclear pore complexes reassemble after mitosis. In a time series of confocal micrographs, the ER (green) progressively envelopes separating chromosomes (red). The electron tomographic model shows an ER cisternae (green) contacting the surface of mitotic chromosomes (blue), where it forms the outer and inner nuclear membranes. Image courtesy of Lu et al.
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In This Issue
In Focus
Nuclear envelope starts with a clean sheet
After mitosis, nuclear membranes form directly from ER cisternae before nuclear pore complex reassembly.
People & Ideas
Ulrike Eggert: Big things from small molecules
Eggert uses RNAi and chemistry to develop novel tools for investigating cytokinesis.
PARP regulates nonhomologous end joining through retention of Ku at double-strand breaks
Poly ADP-ribosylation polymerases are necessary for recruitment and/or retention of Ku at double-strand breaks during nonhomologous end-joining DNA repair.
Visualization of dynein-dependent microtubule gliding at the cell cortex: implications for spindle positioning
Distinct dynein–microtubule interactions are used for asymmetric spindle-positioning tasks in the C. elegans embryo.
The mitochondrial import protein Mim1 promotes biogenesis of multispanning outer membrane proteins
The Mim1 complex imports α-helical mitochondrial outer membrane proteins with multiple transmembrane segments.
Multispan mitochondrial outer membrane protein Ugo1 follows a unique Mim1-dependent import pathway
The mitochondrial import receptor Tom70 and outer membrane protein Mim1 regulate recognition and insertion of the multispan protein Ugo1.
Rb and p130 control cell cycle gene silencing to maintain the postmitotic phenotype in cardiac myocytes
Both Rb and p130 are required for the recruitment of heterochromatin proteins that mediate silencing of proliferation genes in adult cardiac myocytes.
Formation of the postmitotic nuclear envelope from extended ER cisternae precedes nuclear pore assembly
Live-cell imaging and electron tomography show that nuclear pore complexes only assemble on a previously formed nuclear envelope.
Spatial code recognition in neuronal RNA targeting: Role of RNA–hnRNP A2 interactions
Recognition of non-canonical purine•purine RNA motifs by hnRNP A2 mediates targeted delivery of neuronal RNAs to dendrites.
The COG complex interacts directly with Syntaxin 6 and positively regulates endosome-to-TGN retrograde transport
The conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex interacts with the t-SNARE Syntaxin 6 and promotes endosome-to-TGN retrograde trafficking.
The myosin-related motor protein Myo2 is an essential mediator of bud-directed mitochondrial movement in yeast
The myosin-related motor protein Myo2 collaborates with the rab-GTPase Ypt11 to traffic mitochondria to the yeast bud during cell division.
FGF and retinoic acid activity gradients control the timing of neural crest cell emigration in the trunk
FGF acts as a positional cue that prevents premature neural crest cell specification and EMT caudally while, at the same time, retinoic acid promotes EMT rostrally.
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