2022: The Year in Experimental Medicine
Many aspects of our life and research have changed drastically over the last three years. Nevertheless, the goal of publishing groundbreaking studies at the Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM) to broaden human knowledge in disease pathogenesis and treatment remains rock solid.
Here, we present our annual Best of JEM series to highlight cutting-edge research in immunology, host-pathogen interactions, cancer biology, tumor immunology, cardiovascular biology, neuroscience and other areas published in 2022 at JEM. The top 10 papers are selected by the editorial team based, in part, on the number of requests for PDF and full-text HTML versions of an article in the first three months after publication. These studies represent the breadth of JEM’s scope and our longstanding interest in original findings in disease pathogenesis and therapy.
We would also like use this opportunity to thank our authors, reviewers and readers for your interest and continued support for JEM.
We hope you will enjoy this collection and invite you to explore our other special collections. We also encourage your comments on Twitter at @JExpMed. Interested in learning how we are making the publishing process easier for authors or making use of our external transfer policy? Visit our Instructions for Authors or contact the Editorial office.
Image by Neil Smith, [email protected]