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Transfer your paper to JEM

At a crossroads in your publishing journey? Journal of Experimental Medicine welcomes submissions that include reviewer comments from another journal. The process of transferring your paper is painless and prompt. In fact, initial decisions on transfers to JEM are made in less than three days and final decisions on transfers that have been previously reviewed are made in 19 days (median in 2022).

To transfer your paper for consideration by JEM editors, simply follow these steps:

  • Keep your format. We accept submissions in any format, so there is no need to reformat your manuscript. Just be sure that your cover letter includes the name of the previous journal and your wish to transfer to JEM.
  • Provide the essentials. Begin the process at our submission site by logging into your existing profile or creating a new one. Choose the manuscript type “Transfer”. Upload your manuscript, cover letter, and point by point response to the reviewer comments. Fill out the manuscript information fields, and then review your materials.
  • Submit. Once your manuscript is submitted, you will receive an email from the journal office acknowledging receipt and providing your manuscript number within 24 hours.
  • Follow up. After your manuscript is submitted, the journal office will request from you the original decision letters and all subsequent correspondence from the previous journal. Your manuscript and the reviewer comments will then be assessed by JEM scientific editors and expert academic editors, who will solicit further expert advice if needed. We may reach out to you or the previous journal for additional information.

Ready to get started?

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Need more information? Visit our Instructions for Authors. The Editorial office also invites your questions at [email protected] or 212-327-8575.

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