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Two studies identify new proteins that promote microtubule dynamics.

People & Ideas

Bilder explores epithelial form and function in Drosophila using forward genetic screens.




The microtubule plus end regulator EB1 brings Sentin and possibly a microtubule polymerase to microtubule plus ends to promote microtubule dynamics.

Ubiquitin-dependent degradation of PDZ-RhoGEF restricts RhoA activity to facilitate neurite outgrowth.


Phosphorylation of human Treslin by Cdk is essential for its association with TopBP1 and for the initiation of DNA replication in S phase.

Direct interaction between the catalytic domain of Epac1 and the nuclear pore component RanBP2 blocks Epac1 catalytic activity and downstream cAMP signaling.

Aurora A is abnormally expressed and activated in cells lining cysts associated with polycystic kidney disease and can phosphorylate and inactivate polycystin 2.

Lte1 directly inhibits Kin4 activity and restricts its binding to the mother spindle pole body, which allows proper mitotic exit of cells with a correctly aligned spindle.

Hyperactivated Aurora B kinase is a primary mediator of Bub1 overexpression-induced aneuploidy and tumorigenesis in mice.

Polarized fluorescence microscopy reveals that septins across diverse species assemble into similar higher-order structures consisting of dynamic, paired filaments.

SLAIN2’s interactions with multiple different microtubule plus end–tracking proteins stimulate processive microtubule polymerization and ensure proper microtubule organization.

A complex specifically required for the biogenesis of the respiratory chain component cytochrome b binds to the tunnel exit of yeast mitochondrial ribosomes to coordinate protein synthesis and assembly.

Type XII collagen–null mice have fragile bones with disorganized collagen fiber arrangement, decreased bone matrix formation, and delayed osteoblast differentiation.

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