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23 August 1999
Cover Image
Cover Image
Cover picture: Chinese hamster ovary cells were synchronized at the onset of S-phase and the earliest-replicating DNA sequences were briefly pulse-labeled with 5-chloro-2'-deoxyuridine (CldU). Prelabeled cells were chased into the next cell cycle and synchronized during G1 (left column) or at the beginning of S-phase (right column). The recruitment of replicating proteins to these chromosomal domains was examined by immunolabeling with antibodies specific for CldU (green) and either Mcm2 (red, top row) or RPA (red, bottom row). Mcm2 was bound to early-replicating chromatin throughout G1-phase and was displaced from replicons shortly after their initiation. By contrast, RPA associated transiently with chromosomal domains at the specific time of S-phase when they replicated. See related article in this issue by Dimitrova et al., 709-722. - PDF Icon PDF LinkTable of Contents
- PDF Icon PDF LinkEditorial Board
ISSN 0021-9525
EISSN 1540-8140
In this Issue
In This Issue
Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry (Esi-Ms/Ms) Analysis of the Lipid Molecular Species Composition of Yeast Subcellular Membranes Reveals Acyl Chain-Based Sorting/Remodeling of Distinct Molecular Species En Route to the Plasma Membrane
Roger Schneiter,Britta Brügger,Roger Sandhoff,Günther Zellnig,Andrea Leber,Manfred Lampl,Karin Athenstaedt,Claudia Hrastnik,Sandra Eder,Günther Daum,Fritz Paltauf,Felix T. Wieland,Sepp D. Kohlwein
In Vivo, Villin Is Required for Ca2+-Dependent F-Actin Disruption in Intestinal Brush Borders
Evelyne Ferrary,Michel Cohen-Tannoudji,Gérard Pehau-Arnaudet,Alexandre Lapillonne,Rafika Athman,Tereza Ruiz,Lilia Boulouha,Fatima El Marjou,Anne Doye,Jean-Jacques Fontaine,Claude Antony,Charles Babinet,Daniel Louvard,Frédéric Jaisser,Sylvie Robine
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