Vol. 211, No. 3, November 9, 2015. Pages 653–668.

The editors of The Journal of Cell Biology have been notified by Dr. Sophie Martin that she and the other authors of the paper referenced above retract the paper because of data fabrication by the first author.

The authors provided the following statement:

After members of the Martin lab failed to reproduce the formation of septa from the poles in mid1∆cdc1519A as reported in Fig. 3, C (bottom right) and D (far right), the first author of this publication admitted to fabricating these data, as well as that in Fig. 6, E and F.

The integrity of the data produced by all other authors is not put in question and investigation of the validity of other results from the first author is ongoing. Although the central conclusions of the paper may be correct, given these circumstances we feel that a retraction is the only course of action.

We deeply apologize to the community for not having detected this fabrication prior to publication.