Arginylation is the posttranslational addition of arginine to a protein by arginyltransferase-1 (ATE1). Previous studies have found that ATE1 targets multiple cytoskeletal proteins, and Ate1 deletion causes cytoskeletal defects, including reduced cell motility and adhesion. Some of these defects have been linked to actin arginylation, but the role of other arginylated cytoskeletal proteins has not been studied. Here, we characterize tubulin arginylation and its role in the microtubule cytoskeleton. We identify ATE1-dependent arginylation of ⍺-tubulin at E77. Ate1−/− cells and cells overexpressing non-arginylatable ⍺-tubulinE77A both show a reduced microtubule growth rate and increased microtubule stability. Additionally, they show an increase in the fraction of the stabilizing protein MAP1S associated with microtubules, suggesting that E77 arginylation directly regulates MAP1S binding. Knockdown of Map1s is sufficient to rescue microtubule growth rate and stability to wild-type levels. Together, these results demonstrate a new type of tubulin regulation by posttranslational arginylation, which modulates microtubule growth rate and stability through the microtubule-associated protein, MAP1S.

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