The cell envelope of Halobacterium halobium was seen in thin sections of permanganate-fixed cells to consist of one membrane. This membrane appeared mostly as a unit membrane but in a few preparations it resembled a 5-layered compound membrane. The cell envelope of Halobacterium salinarium at high resolution was always seen as a 5-layered structure different in appearance from the apparent compound membrane of H. halobium. The "envelopes" which were isolated in 12.5 per cent NaCl from each organism were indistinguishable from each other in the electron microscope and comprised, in each case, a single unit membrane with an over-all thickness of about 110 A. Some chemical analyses were made of isolated membranes after freeing them from salt by precipitating and washing with trichloroacetic acid. Such precipitated membranes consisted predominantly of protein, with little carbohydrate and no peptido-aminopolysaccharide (mucopeptide). Sectioned whole cells of H. halobium contained intracellular electron-opaque structures of unknown function.

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