Changes in the fine structure of proplastids of etiolated leaves exposed to various conditions of light and darkness for 24 and 48 hours were investigated, and the chlorophyll content of the leaves so treated was determined in vivo. The light treatments were given while the leaves were floated on tap water or on a 0.2 M sucrose solution. Leaves floated on water under low light intensity (2 foot-candles) were low in chlorophyll and contained plastids with concentric rows of vesicles. Transferring the leaves back to darkness resulted in the disappearance of the concentric rigs and re-formation of vesicular centers together with straight rows of vesicles and tubules, evenly spaced throughout the stroma. Chloroplasts of leaves floated on a sucrose solution under low light showed large vesicular centers together with stacks of rows of elongated tubules. The same chloroplast structure was found in leaves floated on a sucrose solution in the dark, after having been exposed to weak light for 24 hours. Chlorophyll content in these leaves was the same as in leaves floated on water under high light intensity, where the chloroplasts had normal grana and lamellae. The effect of the investigated factors on plastid development is discussed.

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