The ability of carcinomas to invade and to metastasize largely depends on the degree of epithelial differentiation within the tumors, i.e., poorly differentiated being more invasive than well-differentiated carcinomas. Here we confirmed this correlation by examining various human cell lines derived from bladder, breast, lung, and pancreas carcinomas. We found that carcinoma cell lines with an epithelioid phenotype were noninvasive and expressed the epithelium-specific cell-cell adhesion molecule E-cadherin (also known as Arc-1, uvomorulin, and cell-CAM 120/80), as visualized by immunofluorescence microscopy and by Western and Northern blotting, whereas carcinoma cell lines with a fibroblastoid phenotype were invasive and had lost E-cadherin expression. Invasiveness of these latter cells could be prevented by transfection with E-cadherin cDNA and was again induced by treatment of the transfected cells with anti-E-cadherin mAbs. These findings indicate that the selective loss of E-cadherin expression can generate dedifferentiation and invasiveness of human carcinoma cells, and they suggest further that E-cadherin acts as an invasion suppressor.
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1 April 1991
April 01 1991
E-cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion prevents invasiveness of human carcinoma cells.
In Special Collection:
JCB65: Cell Adhesion and Migration
U H Frixen,
U H Frixen
Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Essen Medical School, Germany.
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J Behrens,
J Behrens
Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Essen Medical School, Germany.
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M Sachs,
M Sachs
Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Essen Medical School, Germany.
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G Eberle,
G Eberle
Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Essen Medical School, Germany.
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B Voss,
B Voss
Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Essen Medical School, Germany.
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A Warda,
A Warda
Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Essen Medical School, Germany.
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D Löchner,
D Löchner
Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Essen Medical School, Germany.
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W Birchmeier
W Birchmeier
Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Essen Medical School, Germany.
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U H Frixen
Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Essen Medical School, Germany.
J Behrens
Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Essen Medical School, Germany.
M Sachs
Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Essen Medical School, Germany.
G Eberle
Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Essen Medical School, Germany.
B Voss
Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Essen Medical School, Germany.
A Warda
Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Essen Medical School, Germany.
D Löchner
Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Essen Medical School, Germany.
W Birchmeier
Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung), Essen Medical School, Germany.
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1991) 113 (1): 173–185.
U H Frixen, J Behrens, M Sachs, G Eberle, B Voss, A Warda, D Löchner, W Birchmeier; E-cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion prevents invasiveness of human carcinoma cells.. J Cell Biol 1 April 1991; 113 (1): 173–185. doi:
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