We have shown previously that chick muscle cells transformed with Rous sarcoma virus are unable to form clusters of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) (Anthony, D. T., S. M. Schuetze, and L. L. Rubin. 1984. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 81:2265-2269) and are missing a 37-KD tropomyosin-like protein (TM-2) (Anthony, D. T., R. J. Jacobs-Cohen, G. Marazzi, and L. L. Rubin. 1988. J. Cell Biol. 106:1713-1721). In an attempt to clarify the role of TM-2 in the formation and/or maintenance of AChR clusters, we have microinjected a monoclonal antibody specific for TM-2 (D3-16) into normal chick muscle cells in culture. D3-16 injection blocks the formation of new clusters but does not affect the preexisting ones. In addition, TM-2 is concentrated at rat neuromuscular junctions. These data suggest that TM-2 may play an important role in promoting the formation of AChR clusters.
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1 November 1989
November 01 1989
Microinjection of a monoclonal antibody against a 37-kD protein (tropomyosin 2) prevents the formation of new acetylcholine receptor clusters.
G Marazzi,
G Marazzi
Laboratory of Neurobiology, Rockefeller University, New York 10021.
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F Bard,
F Bard
Laboratory of Neurobiology, Rockefeller University, New York 10021.
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M W Klymkowsky,
M W Klymkowsky
Laboratory of Neurobiology, Rockefeller University, New York 10021.
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L L Rubin
L L Rubin
Laboratory of Neurobiology, Rockefeller University, New York 10021.
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G Marazzi
Laboratory of Neurobiology, Rockefeller University, New York 10021.
F Bard
Laboratory of Neurobiology, Rockefeller University, New York 10021.
M W Klymkowsky
Laboratory of Neurobiology, Rockefeller University, New York 10021.
L L Rubin
Laboratory of Neurobiology, Rockefeller University, New York 10021.
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1989) 109 (5): 2337–2344.
G Marazzi, F Bard, M W Klymkowsky, L L Rubin; Microinjection of a monoclonal antibody against a 37-kD protein (tropomyosin 2) prevents the formation of new acetylcholine receptor clusters.. J Cell Biol 1 November 1989; 109 (5): 2337–2344. doi: https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.109.5.2337
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