Vol. 204, No. 9, August 27, 2007. Pages 2131–2144.

Please note that an author was inadvertently omitted from the original author list. Elisabeth Smith has been added to the author list in the print, pdf, and html versions of the article. For reference, the corrected author list and affiliations appear below.

Florence Allantaz,1,2 Damien Chaussabel,1,2 Dorothee Stichweh,1,2 Lynda Bennett,1,2 Windy Allman,1,2 Asuncion Mejias,3 Monica Ardura,3 Wendy Chung,3 Elisabeth Smith,5 Carol Wise,5 Karolina Palucka,1,2 Octavio Ramilo,3 Marilynn Punaro,4,5 Jacques Banchereau,1,2 and Virginia Pascual1,2,5

1Baylor National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Cooperative Center for Translational Research on Human Immunology and Biodefense, Dallas, TX 75204

2Baylor Institute for Immunology Research, Dallas, TX 75204

3Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and 4Division of Pediatric Rheumatology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75390

5Texas Scottish Rite Hospital, Dallas, TX 75219