Hepatic fibroblasts comprise groups of stromal cells in the liver that are phenotypically distinct from hepatic stellate cells. However, their physiology is poorly understood. By single-cell RNA sequencing, we identified Cd34 and Dpt as hepatic fibroblast–specific genes. Cd34-CreER labeled periportal-venous and periductal fibroblasts, but few pericentral-venous fibroblasts. Cd34+ fibroblasts generated ∼25% of myofibroblasts in periportal fibrosis and ∼40% of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC). Myofibroblast formation by Cd34+ fibroblasts required Tgfbr2. Depletion of Cd34+ fibroblasts increased the frequency of the ductal epithelial cells under homeostasis and accelerated the progression of ICC. Dpt-CreER labeled periportal- and pericentral-venous fibroblasts, but much less periductal fibroblasts. Dpt+ cells generated ∼15% of myofibroblasts in periportal fibrosis, but few myofibroblasts in pericentral fibrosis or CAFs in ICC. Thus, an orthogonal combination of Cd34-CreER and Dpt-CreER dissected the fates of periductal, periportal-venous, and pericentral-venous fibroblasts. Both periductal and periportal-venous fibroblasts contribute to liver fibrosis. Periductal fibroblasts also contribute to ductal homeostasis and ICC progression.

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