The ability of NP-coupled syngeneic spleen cells to induce antigen-specific T-suppressor cells capable of binding to NP-BSA-coated Petri dishes and mediating transfer of specific suppressive activity to NP was demonstrated. Furthermore, in strains of mice bearing the Ig-1b allotype, including SJL, and in (non-Ig-1b x Ig-1b)F1 hybrids, the NP-specific suppressor cells also interferes with expression of immunity after priming with NIP-BGG. Anti-NPb anti-idiotype antiserum plus complement treatment effectively abrogated the ability to transfer suppression. Formal genetic mapping of the fine specificity of cross-reactivity with Ig-1 allotypic congenic mice implies that expression of this trait is linked to the Ig-1b heavy chain linkage group. The sensitivity of NP-suppressor cells of appropriate strains to anti-idiotype treatment was also consistent with the formal mapping data. These experiments suggest that there are shared V-region structures on antibody and T cells that are crucial in the suppression pathway for the same antigen.
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1 October 1979
October 01 1979
Hapten-specific T-cell responses to 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl acetyl. II. Demonstration of idiotypic determinants on suppressor T cells.
J Z Weinberger
R N Germain
S T Ju
M I Greene
B Benacerraf
M E Dorf
Online ISSN: 1540-9538
Print ISSN: 0022-1007
J Exp Med (1979) 150 (4): 761–776.
J Z Weinberger, R N Germain, S T Ju, M I Greene, B Benacerraf, M E Dorf; Hapten-specific T-cell responses to 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl acetyl. II. Demonstration of idiotypic determinants on suppressor T cells.. J Exp Med 1 October 1979; 150 (4): 761–776. doi:
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