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Mechanobiology 2019

Mechanical cues are increasingly appreciated to play essential roles regulating cellular processes, shaping organismal development and homeostasis, and contributing to diseases, including cancer, atherosclerosis, and osteoporosis. Studies at the intersection of biology and physics examining force sensing, transduction, and conversion into biochemical signals, as well as characterizing cellular responses to mechanical inputs are critical to understand how cells interact with other cells and their environment. To celebrate recent progress in this field, JCB Editorial Board member Martin Schwartz and Scientific Editor Andrea Marat assembled a collection of recent, exciting JCB studies shedding light on mechanosensitive pathways at the level of single cells and tissues. Articles were chosen based upon topics and usage (requests for full-text versions of the paper by our readers). We are delighted to share this selection of studies that add to our understanding of how the cytoskeleton, force-sensing and transducing apparatus of the cell contribute to cellular adhesion, migration, shape, and survival. We hope you will enjoy this collection and look forward to your feedback on social media.

Image © 2018 Graham et al.

Special Collection Image
Stéphanie Torrino; Wei-Wei Shen; Cédric M. Blouin; Satish Kailasam Mani; Christine Viaris de Lesegno; Pierre Bost; Alexandre Grassart; Darius Köster; Cesar Augusto Valades-Cruz; Valérie Chambon; Ludger Johannes; Paolo Pierobon; Vassili Soumelis; Catherine Coirault; Stéphane Vassilopoulos; Christophe Lamaze
Benjamin T. Goult; Jie Yan; Martin A. Schwartz
Tanmay P. Lele; Richard B. Dickinson; Gregg G. Gundersen
Yuntao Xia; Irena L. Ivanovska; Kuangzheng Zhu; Lucas Smith; Jerome Irianto; Charlotte R. Pfeifer; Cory M. Alvey; Jiazheng Ji; Dazhen Liu; Sangkyun Cho; Rachel R. Bennett; Andrea J. Liu; Roger A. Greenberg; Dennis E. Discher
William Razzell; Maria E. Bustillo; Jennifer A. Zallen
Chiara De Pascalis; Carlos Pérez-González; Shailaja Seetharaman; Batiste Boëda; Benoit Vianay; Mithila Burute; Cécile Leduc; Nicolas Borghi; Xavier Trepat; Sandrine Etienne-Manneville
Matthias Spiess; Pablo Hernandez-Varas; Anna Oddone; Helene Olofsson; Hans Blom; Dominic Waithe; John G. Lock; Melike Lakadamyali; Staffan Strömblad
Nadia Efimova; Tatyana M. Svitkina
David M. Graham; Tomas Andersen; Lisa Sharek; Gunes Uzer; Katheryn Rothenberg; Brenton D. Hoffman; Janet Rubin; Martial Balland; James E. Bear; Keith Burridge
Melanie Graessl; Johannes Koch; Abram Calderon; Dominic Kamps; Soumya Banerjee; Tomáš Mazel; Nina Schulze; Jana Kathrin Jungkurth; Rutuja Patwardhan; Djamschid Solouk; Nico Hampe; Bernd Hoffmann; Leif Dehmelt; Perihan Nalbant
Bruno Pontes; Pascale Monzo; Laurent Gole; Anabel-Lise Le Roux; Anita Joanna Kosmalska; Zhi Yang Tam; Weiwei Luo; Sophie Kan; Virgile Viasnoff; Pere Roca-Cusachs; Lisa Tucker-Kellogg; Nils C. Gauthier
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