Cancer Cell Biology 2019
A collection on the fundamental molecular and cellular events shaping tumors, novel potential therapeutic avenues, including core mechanistic findings and translational studies. Learn about wide-ranging -omics studies identifying progenitor cell vulnerabilities that could be targeted in chemo-prevention, as well as works teasing out the determinants of transformation, invasion, and dissemination. Explore analyses that define the biomechanics of invasive behavior and that dissect the genetic changes driving tumorigenesis. Read about the mechanisms by which cancer cells co-opt cellular pathways to enhance growth signals.
Our interest in translational cell biology is further highlighted through our new Inside Look series, which illustrates how cell biology can be harnessed in the clinic. Important studies of cell division and T cell signaling have paved the way for current anti-mitotic therapies and immune checkpoint blockade drugs, two topics detailed in Inside Looks.
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