The cell-substratum interaction was studied in cultures of osteoclasts isolated from the medullary bone of laying hens kept on low calcium diet. In fully spread osteoclasts, cell-substratum adhesion mostly occurred within a continuous paramarginal area that corresponded also to the location of a thick network of intermediate filaments of the vimentin type. In this area, regular rows of short protrusions contacting the substratum and often forming a cup-shaped adhesion area were observed in the electron microscope. These short protrusions showed a core of F-actin-containing material presumably organized as a network of microfilaments and surrounded by a rosette-like structure in which vinculin and alpha-actinin were found by immunofluorescence microscopy. Rosettes were superposable to dark circles in interference-reflection microscopy and thus represented circular forms of close cell-substratum contact. The core of ventral protrusions also contained, beside F-actin, fimbrin and alpha-actinin. Villin was absent. This form of cell-substratum contact occurring at the tip of a short ventral protrusion differed from other forms of cell-substratum contact and represented an osteoclast-specific adhesion device that might also be present in in vivo osteoclasts as well as in other normal and transformed cell types.
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1 November 1984
November 01 1984
Cell-substratum interaction of cultured avian osteoclasts is mediated by specific adhesion structures.
P C Marchisio
D Cirillo
L Naldini
M V Primavera
A Teti
A Zambonin-Zallone
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1984) 99 (5): 1696–1705.
P C Marchisio, D Cirillo, L Naldini, M V Primavera, A Teti, A Zambonin-Zallone; Cell-substratum interaction of cultured avian osteoclasts is mediated by specific adhesion structures.. J Cell Biol 1 November 1984; 99 (5): 1696–1705. doi:
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