We investigated the ultrastructure of thylakoid membranes that lacked either some or all of their Photosystem II centers in the F34SU3 and F34 mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. We obtained the following results: (a) There are no particles of the 160-A size class on the EF faces of the thylakoids in the absence of Photosystem II centers (as in F34); the F34SU3 contains 50% of the wild-type number of PSII centers and EF particles. (b) The density of the particles on the PF faces of the thylakoids is higher in the mutants than in the wild type. (c) The fluorescence analysis shows that the organization of the pigments is the same regardless of whether 50% of the PSII centers are temporarily inactivated (by preilluminating the wild type) or are actually missing from the thylakoid membrane (F34SU3). Our results, therefore, support a model in which: (a) each 160-A EF particle has only one PSII center surrounded by light-harvesting complexes and (b) part of the PSH antenna is associated with 80-A PF particles in both of the mutants and the wild type.

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