Live sea urchin spermatozoa were rendered immotile by lowered pH; Triton-extracted spermatozoa were rendered immotile by either lowered pH or by deprivation of ATP. The spermatozoa began to beat after an increase in pH or as ATP was supplied, and the first bends were recorded on ciné film. Triton-extracted spermatozoa deprived of ATP retained a partially formed basal bend which could be either principal or reverse, and which resumed its development and propagation as ATP was supplied. Both live and tritonated flagella straightened at low pH. As the pH was increased, a series of principal bends formed near the base and propagated to the tip. Reverse bends began to develop as the pH continued to increase. The principal and reverse bends thus exhibited different sensitivities to pH, which suggests differences in the mechanisms that produce them. Straight flagella began to move by synchronous sliding all along the flagellum, thus forming principal bends. Flagella that contained a basal bend began to move by primarily metachonous sliding within that bend.

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