The capacity of haploid a yeast cells to mate (fuse with a haploid strain of alpha mating type followed by nuclear fusion to produce a diploid cell) was assessed for a variety of temperature-sensitive cell division cycle (cdc) mutants at the permissive and restrictive temperatures. Asynchronous populations of some mutants do not mate at the restrictive temperature, and these mutants define genes (cdc 1, 4, 24, and 33) that are essential both for the cell cycle and for mating. For most cdc mutants, asynchronous populations mate well at the restrictive temperature while populations synchronized at the cdc block do not. Populations of a mutant carrying the cdc 28 mutation mate well at the restrictive temperature after synchronization at the cdc 28 step. These results suggest that mating can occur from the cdc 28 step, the same step at which mating factors arrest cell cycle progress. The cell cycle interval in which mating can occur may or may not extend to the immediately succeeding and diverging steps (cdc 4 and cdc 24). High frequency mating does not occur in the interval of the cell cycle extending from the step before the initiation of DNA synthesis (cdc 7) through DNA synthesis (cdc 2, 8, and 21), medial nuclear division (cdc 13), and late nuclear division (cdc 14 and 15).
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1 November 1977
November 01 1977
Regulation of mating in the cell cycle of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
B J Reid
L H Hartwell
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1977) 75 (2): 355–365.
B J Reid, L H Hartwell; Regulation of mating in the cell cycle of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.. J Cell Biol 1 November 1977; 75 (2): 355–365. doi:
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