[(3)H]Thymidine labeling patterns have been examined in gynandric mosaic salivary glands of drosophila melanogaster. The Ring-X stock, R(1) w(ve)/In(1)dl 49, l (1) J1 y w lz(s), was used for this purpose. 365 labeled XX2A and 40 labeled XO2A nuclei were obtained from a total of 624 nuclei in nine pairs of mosaic salivary glands. It was observed that in all but those nuclei which had DD, 1C, and 2C patterns, the X chromosome of the XO2A nuclei always had fewer sites labeled than the X chromosomes of the XX2A nuclei, for a given pattern of the autosomes in either sex. Such asynchronous labeling of the X chromosome in the XO2A (male) nuclei was observed regardless of the proportion of the XO2A cells (2.0-73.7 percent), in the mosaic glands. Moreover, while the frequency of [(3)H]thymidine labeling for all of the 39 replicating units except the two late replicating sites (3C and 11A) in the X chromosome of the XO2A nuclei, was consistently lower than in the X chromosome of the XX2A nuclei, the mean number of grains on the X chromosome was relatively (to autosomes) similar in both XX2A and XO2A cells. The results, therefore, suggest that, as in XY2A larval glands, the X chromosome in the XO2A cells also completes the replication earlier than autosomes and that the XO2A nuclei show cellular autonomy with respect to the early replication of the X chromosome, like its counterpart, RNA transcription. Absence of the asynchrony during the initial phase (DD-2C) further completes the replication earlier but that the rate of replication of its DNA is possibly faster, and (b) that there might be a common regulation with respect to the initiation of replication of different chromosomes in a genome.

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