In sections of human dentine (carious and sound) and bone examined with the electron microscope, apatite crystallites were seen to present long thin profiles somewhat suggestive of a cylindrical shape, broad profiles indicative of a plate-like shape, and profiles intermediate between these two extremes. With a special stereoscopic specimen holder allowing the specimen to be tilted through an angle of 30° it was possible to record images of two profiles of the same crystallite from different angles and thus gain information concerning the 3-dimensional morphology of crystallites showing a thin profile. In all fields so examined, the thin-profile crystallites that were properly oriented with respect to the axis of tilt exhibited a different width dimension in each of the two micrographs. From this it is concluded that the thin profiles actually represented edge views of plate-like crystallites.
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1 July 1960
Content prior to 1962 was published under the journal name
The Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology
July 01 1960
Electron Microscopic Observations on the Three-Dimensional Morphology of Apatite Crystallites of Human Dentine and Bone'
Erling Johansen,
Erling Johansen
From the Department of Dentistry and Dental Research and the Department of Anatomy, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York
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Harold F. Parks
Harold F. Parks
From the Department of Dentistry and Dental Research and the Department of Anatomy, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York
Search for other works by this author on:
Erling Johansen
From the Department of Dentistry and Dental Research and the Department of Anatomy, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York
Harold F. Parks
From the Department of Dentistry and Dental Research and the Department of Anatomy, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York
January 04 1960
Copyright, 1960, by The Rockefeller Institute Press
J Biophys and Biochem Cytol (1960) 7 (4): 743–746.
Article history
January 04 1960
Erling Johansen, Harold F. Parks; Electron Microscopic Observations on the Three-Dimensional Morphology of Apatite Crystallites of Human Dentine and Bone' . J Biophys and Biochem Cytol 1 July 1960; 7 (4): 743–746. doi:
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