Intracellular-reduced glutathione (GSH) was removed by thiol-oxidation with diamide during in vitro perfusion of the corneal endothelium. By 15 min the normal mosaic-like pattern of the endothelial cells was disrupted by serpentine-like lines of cell separation at the cell juntions. After 45 min of perfusion, infividual clusters of cells formed cup-shaped islands. The resultant exposure of Descemet's membrane to the perfusion solution resulted in corneal swelling. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the endothelial cells separated at the apical junctions and that the microfilaments in the apical cytoplasm of cells formed dense bands, whereas the other subcellular organelles were normal in appearance. The change in cellular shape may be due to loss of cellular adhesion which results in the condensation of the microfilaments or contraction of the microfilaments. The addition of glucose to the perfusate prevented the diamide effect, and the diamide effect could be reversed upon removal and perfusion of a glutathione bicarbonate Ringer's solution. These results suggest that the ratio of reduced to oxidized glutathione in the endothelial cells plays a role in the maintenance of the endothelial cell barrier function.
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1 March 1976
March 01 1976
Effect of thiol-oxidation of glutathione with diamide on corneal endothelial function, junctional complexes, and microfilaments.
H F Edelhauser
D L Van Horn
P Miller
H J Pederson
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1976) 68 (3): 567–578.
H F Edelhauser, D L Van Horn, P Miller, H J Pederson; Effect of thiol-oxidation of glutathione with diamide on corneal endothelial function, junctional complexes, and microfilaments.. J Cell Biol 1 March 1976; 68 (3): 567–578. doi:
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