Histones were extracted from isolated mouse liver nuclei, and from mouse liver condensed and extended chromatin. Mouse liver histones were found to be very similar to those of calf thymus in their solubility properties, relative electrophoretic mobilities, and molecular weights as determined on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Quantitative analysis by high-resolution gel electrophoresis demonstrated a remarkable similarity between the histones of condensed chromatin and those of extended chromatin. However, minor differences were found. A unique subspecies was found only in condensed chromatin histone and the relative amounts of fractions F2A1 and F2A2 differed in the two types of chromatin. The ratio of the parental to the acetylated form of F2A1 was identical in the two chromatin samples. Since DNA extracted from the condensed chromatin fraction consisted of approximately 50% satellite DNA, the general similarities between the histones of condensed and extended chromatin make it likely that even this simple, highly repetitive DNA is complexed with a number of histone subfractions.

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