The sinus nerve or sympathetic trunk was stimulated unilaterally in one group of adult cats or Syrian hamsters while in another group the sinus nerve or sympathetic trunk was cut unilaterally and the animals were given reserpine. In a third group, atropine was administered prior to sinus nerve stimulation. All tissues were processed for the detection of primary monoamines. The carotid bodies on the operated sides were compared with those on the unoperated sides of the same animal in order to determine if amine depletion occurred following the experimental procedures. After sinus nerve stimulation alone, the density of the granules in the glomus cells was decreased, but changes were not noted in the granules following sympathetic nerve stimulation. Sinus nerve stimulation after atropine administration resulted in no change in granule density. Sinus nerve transection followed by reserpine treatment resulted in a greater decrease in granule density on the unoperated than on the operated side. Transection of the sympathetic components to the carotid body followed by reserpine injections resulted in a decrease in granule density in the glomus cells on both the operated and unoperated sides. These results suggest that the sinus nerve must be intact for reserpine to exert an effect and that the sinus nerve may contain efferent fibers which modulate amine secretion.

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