The cell-free synthesis of histone-like polypeptides has been achieved using a selected class of small polyribosomes as the only particulate fraction. This synthesis is prevented if the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) inhibitor, cytosine arabinoside, is added to the cells prior to disruption, and it is not detected when the cytoplasm used is derived from postmitotic (G1) cells. When the 100,000 g supernate from pure metaphase populations was compared with that from S phase cells, the cell-free synthesis of histone-like polypeptides in the presence of S phase polyribosomes remained unchanged. These data suggest that, except for the histone messenger RNA-ribosome complex, the cytoplasmic factors requisite for histone synthesis are present throughout the cycle, and that the shut-off of this synthesis is not under translational control.

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