Randomly seeded Petri dish cultures of embryonic human lung fibroblasts generate, in the course of their growth, highly ordered cellular arrangements. Thick, bilaterally symmetrical ridges with an axial polarity and an orthogonal, multilayered internal organization are observed within stationary cultures. The generation of these structures has been investigated. Ridges result from the spontaneous aggregation of cells in postconfluent cultures brought about by directed cell movements. These movements are promoted by the localized production of extracellular matrix sheets containing collagen, which provide new substrates for cellular colonization. Cells that have colonized one matrix substrate may secrete another above themselves, which will in turn be colonized. By a continuation of this cycle, thick stacks consisting of alternate layers of cells and matrix are produced to yield the observed aggregations. The distribution and shape of ridges in a culture imply that matrix substrates are confined to specific locations. The suggested control hypothesis assumes that all the cells in fibroblast cultures are potential producers of a single species of matrix. The serviceability of this matrix as a substrate for cellular colonization, however, is destroyed if the producer cells are motile. Matrix substrates, therefore, are only made by nonmotile cells.

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