Cells of Chironomus salivary glands and Malpighian tubules have junctions of the "septate" kind. This is the only kind of junction discerned which is large enough to effect the existing degree of intercellular communication. The electron microscopic observations of the "septate" junction conform to a honeycomb structure, with 80-A-thick electron-opaque walls and 90-A-wide transparent cores, connecting the cellular surface membranes. A projection pattern of light and dark bands (the "septa") with a 150-A periodicity results when the electron beam is directed normal to any set of honeycomb walls. Treatment of the salivary gland cells with media, which interrupt cellular communication (without noticeable alteration of cellular adhesion) by reducing junctional membrane permeability or perijunctional insulation, produces no alterations in the junctional structure discernible in electron micrographs of glutaraldehyde-fixed cell material.

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