Measurement of the weight of individual virus particles from untreated and antibody-treated populations was made by quantitative electron microscopy. The weight of antibody bound depended on the concentration of antibody in solution. One population of viruses exposed to an antibody concentration which resulted in 95% inhibition of hemagglutination showed a mass increase of 55%, corresponding to an absolute increase of 9.0 x 10-17 g in the median value. Another population, whose hemagglutination inhibition assay was 64%, showed a 39% increase in mass corresponding to an absolute median increase of 7.3 x 10-17 g. The larger viruses in each population bound a greater absolute amount of antibody than did the smaller ones, but the latter bound relatively more antibody in proportion to their mass. No cross-reactivity was found between the antibody to influenza A/PR8 and the influenza strain B/LEE. Influenza A/PR8 controls exposed to nonspecific gamma-globulin displayed a significant weight loss, at least in part owing to loss from the core, as judged from the electron micrographs.

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