From studies of autoradiograms of various developmental stages of the chick embryo containing S35 given us sulfate it was determined that as early as Stages 3+ and 4 there is a selective utilization or accumulation of sulfate by the various parts. The earliest accumulation site is the axial portion of the primitive streak and the floor of the groove. Later S35 was found in the head process, Hensen's node, notochord, amniocardiac vesicle, wall of the omphalomesenteric vein, endocardium, subendocardial jelly, mesenchyme destined to become cartilage, basement membrane area of the gut, and a mucopolysaccharide layer formed on the free surface of the stomach.

The early notochordal localizations of S35 coincide with the region in which a thin ring of chondroitin sulfate is subsequently laid down. However, it is apparent that there is an intracellular accumulation of inorganic sulfate by the chondroitin-forming cells prior to the time they produce sufficient chondroitin sulfate to be demonstrable histochemically.

It was interesting to note that the endocardium appears to concentrate sulfate that later apparently finds its way into the subendocardial jelly.

The fact that those mesenchymal cells which later form chondroblasts begin to utilize sulfate selectively before histological differentiation is apparent was determined.

In addition, the presence of sulfate-containing substances in the forming basement membrane of the gut would seem to indicate that sulfate is important in the histological differentiation of this membrane.

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