The use of off-peak measurements in Feulgen cytophotometry is reported, using intact diploid (x) and tetraploid (y) nuclei of the human anterior pituitary gland as the experimental model studied. Results indicate that the ratio y/x is similar at the 14 wavelengths examined over the range 450 mµ to 650 mµ. The value of this ratio was 1.95, falling slightly under the theoretical ratio of 2.0. It was concluded that off-peak absorption measurements are of value in Feulgen cytophotometry. A discussion of the possible justification of off-peak absorption measurements was presented for the case in which the Beer-Lambert relationship was experimentally determined to be followed at a peak wavelength, for all concentrations under discussion, and the curves preceding and/or following the peaks were straight lines coming from a common point. If the curve best fitting the data is a straight line, it follows that the rate of change of absorbance with respect to a linear wavelength scale is constant. This means that for a given increase, or decrease, in wavelength, the same change in absorbance is obtained. From this it follows that absorbance readings at any wavelength in such a region will be equally valid to those taken at the peak. While the finding of such a linear relationship at several concentrations does not guarantee that it will occur at all other concentrations, it is suggestive. The closer the spectra approximate straight lines, the more valid does the use of off-peak measurements become.

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