Vicia faba root tip cells were treated for short periods with tritiated thymidine, either immediately before or after exposure of roots to x-rays, and autoradiograph preparations were analysed in an attempt to test the hypothesis that chromatid type (B') aberrations are induced only in those chromosome regions that have synthesized DNA prior to x-irradiation, whereas chromosome type (B'') aberrations are induced only in unduplicated chromosome regions. Studying the relation between presence or absence of label at loci involved in aberrations, in cells irradiated at different development stages, and the pattern of labelling in cells carrying both types of aberration leads to the conclusion that B'' aberrations are induced only in unreplicated chromosome regions. Following replication, only B' aberrations are induced, but these aberrations are also induced in chromosome regions preparing to incorporate DNA. It is suggested that the doubled response of the chromosome to x-rays prior to DNA incorporation might reflect a physical separation of replicating units prior to replication. The aberration yields in damaged cells which were irradiated in G1 S, and early G2 were in the ratio of 1.0:2.0:3.2. The data indicate that the increased yield of B' in early G2 relative to S cells may be a consequence of changes in the spatial distribution of the chromosomes within the nucleus.

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