The Xenopus protein Maskin has been previously identified and characterized in the context of its role in translational control during oocyte maturation. Maskin belongs to the TACC protein family. In other systems, members of this family have been shown to localize to centrosomes during mitosis and play a role in microtubule stabilization. Here we have examined the putative role of Maskin in spindle assembly and centrosome aster formation in the Xenopus egg extract system. Depletion and reconstitution experiments indicate that Maskin plays an essential role for microtubule assembly during M-phase. We show that Maskin interacts with XMAP215 and Eg2, the Xenopus Aurora A kinase in vitro and in the egg extract. We propose that Maskin and XMAP215 cooperate to oppose the destabilizing activity of XKCM1 therefore promoting microtubule growth from the centrosome and contributing to the determination of microtubule steady-state length. Further more, we show that Maskin localization and function is regulated by Eg2 phosphorylation.

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