p120 catenin (p120) is a component of adherens junctions and has been implicated in regulating cadherin-based cell adhesion as well as the activity of Rho small GTPases, but its exact roles in cell–cell adhesion are unclear. Using time-lapse imaging, we show that p120-GFP associates with vesicles and exhibits unidirectional movements along microtubules. Furthermore, p120 forms a complex with kinesin heavy chain through the p120 NH2-terminal head domain. Overexpression of p120, but not an NH2-terminal deletion mutant deficient in kinesin binding, recruits endogenous kinesin to N-cadherin. Disruption of the interaction between N-cadherin and p120, or the interaction between p120 and kinesin, leads to a delayed accumulation of N-cadherin at cell–cell contacts during calcium-initiated junction reassembly. Our analyses identify a novel role of p120 in promoting cell surface trafficking of cadherins via association and recruitment of kinesin.

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