Ordered differential display identified a novel sequence induced in neurons by the neurite-promoting protein amphoterin. We named this gene amphoterin-induced gene and ORF (AMIGO), and also cloned two other novel genes homologous to AMIGO (AMIGO2 and AMIGO3). Together, these three AMIGOs form a novel family of genes coding for type I transmembrane proteins which contain a signal sequence for secretion and a transmembrane domain. The deduced extracellular parts of the AMIGOs contain six leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) flanked by cysteine-rich LRR NH2- and COOH-terminal domains and by one immunoglobulin domain close to the transmembrane region. A substrate-bound form of the recombinant AMIGO ectodomain promoted prominent neurite extension in hippocampal neurons, and in solution, the same AMIGO ectodomain inhibited fasciculation of neurites. A homophilic and heterophilic binding mechanism is shown between the members of the AMIGO family. Our results suggest that the members of the AMIGO protein family are novel cell adhesion molecules among which AMIGO is specifically expressed on fiber tracts of neuronal tissues and participates in their formation.
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17 March 2003
March 10 2003
AMIGO, a transmembrane protein implicated in axon tract development, defines a novel protein family with leucine-rich repeats
Juha Kuja-Panula,
Juha Kuja-Panula
1Department of Biosciences, Institute of Biotechnology, Neuroscience Center
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Marjaana Kiiltomäki,
Marjaana Kiiltomäki
1Department of Biosciences, Institute of Biotechnology, Neuroscience Center
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Takashi Yamashiro,
Takashi Yamashiro
2Developmental Biology Program, Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki 00014, Finland
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Ari Rouhiainen,
Ari Rouhiainen
1Department of Biosciences, Institute of Biotechnology, Neuroscience Center
3Finnish Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, Helsinki 00310, Finland
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Heikki Rauvala
Heikki Rauvala
1Department of Biosciences, Institute of Biotechnology, Neuroscience Center
Search for other works by this author on:
Juha Kuja-Panula
1Department of Biosciences, Institute of Biotechnology, Neuroscience Center
Marjaana Kiiltomäki
1Department of Biosciences, Institute of Biotechnology, Neuroscience Center
Takashi Yamashiro
2Developmental Biology Program, Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki 00014, Finland
Ari Rouhiainen
1Department of Biosciences, Institute of Biotechnology, Neuroscience Center
3Finnish Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, Helsinki 00310, Finland
Heikki Rauvala
1Department of Biosciences, Institute of Biotechnology, Neuroscience Center
Address correspondence to Juha Kuja-Panula, Neuroscience Center, Viikinkaari 5, PO Box 56, University of Helsinki, Helsinki 00014, Finland. Tel.: 358-9-19159061. Fax: 358-9-19159068. E-mail: [email protected]; or Heikki Rauvala, Neuroscience Center, Viikinkaari 5, PO Box 56, University of Helsinki, Helsinki 00014, Finland. Tel.: 358-9-19159064. Fax: 358-9-19159068. E-mail: [email protected]
Abbreviations used in this paper: AMIGO, amphoterin-induced gene and ORF; ChrB, chromogranin B; LRR, leucine-rich repeat; ODD, ordered differential display; RAGE, receptor for advanced glycation end products.
September 13 2002
Revision Received:
January 14 2003
February 04 2003
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
The Rockefeller University Press
J Cell Biol (2003) 160 (6): 963–973.
Article history
September 13 2002
Revision Received:
January 14 2003
February 04 2003
Juha Kuja-Panula, Marjaana Kiiltomäki, Takashi Yamashiro, Ari Rouhiainen, Heikki Rauvala; AMIGO, a transmembrane protein implicated in axon tract development, defines a novel protein family with leucine-rich repeats . J Cell Biol 17 March 2003; 160 (6): 963–973. doi: https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.200209074
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