Vesicle transfer consists of four successive reactions: vesicle formation, tethering, docking, and fusion. Tethering of COP1 vesicles to the Golgi requires the coiled-coil protein p115, which links the Golgins GM130 (on the Golgi) and Giantin (on the vesicle). Subsequent docking of vesicles is a SNARE-dependent event, requiring the correct assembly of cognate SNAREs comprising one vesicle SNARE (v-SNARE) and three target SNARES (t-SNAREs). The resultant SNAREpin appears to force fusion of the two membranes.
Now, it seems that, in addition to tethering the Golgins, p115 also facilitates vesicle docking. Shorter et al. showed...
The Rockefeller University Press
The Rockefeller University Press
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