Myofibroblasts are unusual cells that share morphological and functional features of muscle and nonmuscle cells. Such cells are thought to control liver blood flow and kidney glomerular filtration rate by having unique contractile properties. To determine how these cells achieve their contractile properties and their resemblance to muscle cells, we have characterized two myofibroblast cell lines. Here, we demonstrate that myofibroblast cell lines from kidney mesangial cells (BHK) and liver stellate cells activate extensive programs of muscle gene expression including a wide variety of muscle structural proteins. In BHK cells, six different striated myosin heavy chain isoforms and many thin filament proteins, including troponin T and tropomyosin are expressed. Liver stellate cells express a limited subset of the muscle thick filament proteins expressed in BHK cells. Although these cells are mitotically active and do not morphologically differentiate into myotubes, we show that MyoD and myogenin are expressed and functional in both cell types. Finally, these cells contract in response to endothelin-1 (ET-1); and we show that ET-1 treatment increases the expression of sarcomeric myosin.

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