Cofilin is a low molecular weight actin-modulating protein whose structure and function are conserved among eucaryotes. Cofilin exhibits in vitro both a monomeric actin-sequestering activity and a filamentous actin-severing activity. To investigate in vivo functions of cofilin, cofilin was overexpressed in Dictyostelium discoideum cells. An increase in the content of D. discoideum cofilin (d-cofilin) by sevenfold induced a co-overproduction of actin by threefold. In cells over-expressing d-cofilin, the amount of filamentous actin but not that of monomeric actin was increased. Overexpressed d-cofilin co-sedimented with actin filaments, suggesting that the sequestering activity of d-cofilin is weak in vivo. The overexpression of d-cofilin increased actin bundles just beneath ruffling membranes where d-cofilin was co-localized. The overexpression of d-cofilin also stimulated cell movement as well as membrane ruffling. We have demonstrated in vitro that d-cofilin transformed latticework of actin filaments cross-linked by alpha-actinin into bundles probably by severing the filaments. D. discoideum cofilin may sever actin filaments in vivo and induce bundling of the filaments in the presence of cross-linking proteins so as to generate contractile systems involved in membrane ruffling and cell movement.
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1 February 1996
February 01 1996
Overexpression of cofilin stimulates bundling of actin filaments, membrane ruffling, and cell movement in Dictyostelium.
H Aizawa,
H Aizawa
Department of Cell Biology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Japan.
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K Sutoh,
K Sutoh
Department of Cell Biology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Japan.
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I Yahara
I Yahara
Department of Cell Biology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Japan.
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H Aizawa
Department of Cell Biology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Japan.
K Sutoh
Department of Cell Biology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Japan.
I Yahara
Department of Cell Biology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Japan.
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1996) 132 (3): 335–344.
H Aizawa, K Sutoh, I Yahara; Overexpression of cofilin stimulates bundling of actin filaments, membrane ruffling, and cell movement in Dictyostelium.. J Cell Biol 1 February 1996; 132 (3): 335–344. doi:
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