Axons derived from young ganglion cells in the periphery of the retinae of larval and adult goldfish are known to fasciculate with one another and their immediate forerunners, creating the typical age-related order in the retinotectal pathway. Young axons express the E587 antigen, a member of the L1 family of cell adhesion molecules. Repeated injections of Fab fragments from a polyclonal E587 antiserum (E587 Fabs) into the eye of 3.4 cm goldfish disrupted the orderly fascicle pattern of RGC axons in the retina which was preserved in controls. Instead of bundling tightly, RGC axons crossed one another, grew between fascicles and arrived at the optic disk in a broadened front. When added to RGC axons growing in vitro, E587 Fabs neutralized the preference of growth cones to elongate on lanes of E587 protein, caused defasciculation of axons which normally prefer to grow along each other when explanted on polylysine, and prevented clustering of E587 antigen at axon-axon contact sites. Monoclonal E587 antibody disturbed axonal fasciculation moderately but led to a 30% reduction in growth velocities when axons tracked other axons. Therefore we conclude that E587 antigen mediates axonal recognition, selective fasciculation and the creation of the age-related order in the fish retina.
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15 August 1995
August 15 1995
Fish E587 glycoprotein, a member of the L1 family of cell adhesion molecules, participates in axonal fasciculation and the age-related order of ganglion cell axons in the goldfish retina.
M Bastmeyer,
M Bastmeyer
Faculty of Biology, University of Konstanz, Germany.
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H Ott,
H Ott
Faculty of Biology, University of Konstanz, Germany.
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C A Leppert,
C A Leppert
Faculty of Biology, University of Konstanz, Germany.
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C A Stuermer
C A Stuermer
Faculty of Biology, University of Konstanz, Germany.
Search for other works by this author on:
M Bastmeyer
Faculty of Biology, University of Konstanz, Germany.
H Ott
Faculty of Biology, University of Konstanz, Germany.
C A Leppert
Faculty of Biology, University of Konstanz, Germany.
C A Stuermer
Faculty of Biology, University of Konstanz, Germany.
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1995) 130 (4): 969–976.
M Bastmeyer, H Ott, C A Leppert, C A Stuermer; Fish E587 glycoprotein, a member of the L1 family of cell adhesion molecules, participates in axonal fasciculation and the age-related order of ganglion cell axons in the goldfish retina.. J Cell Biol 15 August 1995; 130 (4): 969–976. doi:
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