The eccrine sweat glands of the cat foot and toe pads have been studied by light and electron microscopy before and after stimulation with mecholyl. The ultrastructure of these glands in the cat is found to be entirely comparable to that in the human (13). The ultrastructure and staining properties of the secretory segment of the two species are identical. The ductal part of the feline gland is shorter and the ductal cells have only scant mitochondria as compared with the human. Since Brusilow et al. (1) have observed that the secretion of the cat foot pad is isotonic as compared with human sweat, which is hypotonic, and since the secretory segments of the two species are structurally identical, the striking difference in the morphology of the duct is regarded as being responsible for the difference in the chemistry of the secretion of the two species. Thus the duct in the human is capable of reabsorbing sodium and chloride.

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