Treatment of infected L cells with 10 micrograms/ml cytochalasin B (CB) was found to promote a rapid relocalization of viral glycoproteins on the cell surface. Whereas the vesicular stomatitis virus G protein and the influenza virus hemagglutinin were uniformly distributed on the surface of untreated cells, in CB-treated cells, they were strikingly concentrated at cell extremities in the regions of clustered blebs. Glycoprotein concentration at cell extremities was accompanied by preferential maturation of virus particles from the same sites; both vesicular stomatitis and influenza viruses budded predominantly from the vicinity of clustered blebs. This effect of CB was completely reversible. Removal of CB from the cell growth medium resulted in a return of viral glycoproteins to the uniform distribution characteristic of untreated cells and to uniform virus budding. The results of this study are interpreted in terms of a model that suggests that preferential budding of viruses from the regions of bleb clusters is due to the concentration of viral glycoproteins at these sites.

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